The first stable version of Glossaico has been released.

Glossaico is a language learning application based on LibreLingo, created for mobile devices running Linux. However, you can also execute it on any environment where Python, Qt and Kirigami are available.

Glossaico Glossaico on Plasma Mobile

This release offers three language courses:

  • Spanish for English speakers
  • German for English speakers
  • Basque for English speakers

Archives and signatures are available here.


A flatpak build of Glossaico is available on flathub. If the software center of your distribution supports flatpak and the flathub repository has been configured, just use it to install Glossaico. If you prefer the command line, execute flatpak install flathub org.codeberg.dimkard.glossaico.


To tinker with the code or build the application package directly from source, please install PySide2 and Kirigami using the package manager of your distribution. Then, extract the release archive and execute:

python3 -m build

After building, you will find the distribution files in the dist directory. Then, install the application:

pip install dist/glossaico-1.0.tar.gz

Report bugs

Please report issues and provide your ideas on the bug tracker of the application.

Get involved

The LibreLingo platform and the language courses have been created and are maintained by a friendly community of volunteers. Feel free to join us on matrix and follow us on Mastodon. With regards to Glossaico, I would be glad to review your pull requests on codeberg.